Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I put the roots of sky inside my jar
And powered up the sunset and infused
The college thoughts with liquid birdsongs
The drops of stars upon the daisies served as base
I used the thorns and stitched the northern lights
Alas, I stood upon the smoldered steps of night
With the Universe painted on my hands
I close my eyes and almost laughing find
The city of Rochester ebbing into smoke
The willow and the ash and maybe birch
The clock-tower stands possible
Air, blow me to the innocence of time


Well this is the last day of April. I've had a fun time writing poems and reading Sam and Val's posts as well. They did a great job with all the poems and their commentary is really intense and deep. Both of them are very impressive and talented people and I find myself in awe of them quite often.
Flattery aside, this poem is me putting aside all my stress and trying to see the bigger picture. The quarter here at RIT is almost ending, as you all know, and it's been a hell of a time recently. But I guess if you look past it and see all the amazing things that we've done or are doing or will do, it's amazing and beautiful. I've learned so much this year considering academia as well as social. I'm so thankful for all the friends I made this year and I will miss them terribly over the summer. 
Sappiness aside, I don't know if I have much more to say. It's been a long week and it's only Tuesday. But my whole life is opened up to me with so many opportunities. If I put away the stress, my potential is limitless, and it's the same with all of you. So don't worry yourselves, you are loved, and you can make it through weeks 10 and finals. 

Godspeed. ~Sarah xo

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